So it's 8:30 on Tuesday, damnit I'm late. I did not even have time to get my Tazo™ and note pad. So I run (gracefully sachet) into the cafeteria and what is this I see? Makeup, smiling faces? Did the Americans come and liberate the Caf? No even worse... One of the sororities pledging ended. BOOO!!! Who am I going to torture what am I going to write about, damn this is really terrible... BUT ALAS I looked around and what did I see, but one of the other sororities. Faces of contempt deep in their pledge books writing some bull about God knows what. I could almost see a tear from their eyes.
On a side note a pledge book is a notebook where the pledges need to write a whole bunch of nonsense such as: family tree, numbers, greek alphabet. blah blah blah. BUT if GOD forbid someone steals it.. the things that their sisters make them do is sadistic. (ie. A German Shower, or listen to Lady Gaga) So the guys who are pledging their fraternities have been playing a fun game.. They call it. Steal the F&^%$g Pledgebook and run like hell... It's a really fun game actually. It's kinda like well... never mind I don't want to be arrested. But yea the guys have been doing this for the past couple of days and it is pure comedy. I will be walking down a hall way, and I'll see some dude sprinting trhough people then some gaunt disgusting girl with no make up and zombie like clothing stumble (due to the lack of sleep) after him.
Now I by no means am a mindreader, but I am an extremely perceptive person (stalker). And what I can see from looking into the souls of those other girls were thoughts of anger, jealousy, malcontent and blind rage. But before they could make an emotion one of their pledging sisters slapped them with a glove and said in a stern but loving voice "There is no such thing as freedom of thought in our sorority." The sister who was slapped quickly scurried into the kitchen to buy 12 dozen bagels for her big. (FAKE STORY STOP COMING TO ME CRYING) But I digress all of these happy faces was really starting to get to me.
Tears rolling down their eyes but this time not out of the pain of not being able to wear make up or have their fat circled and called "slut" for 9 hours, but rather because finally after all of the (5 days big deal) Hell they put up with they were finally in. Girls who just days before if given the opportunity would have stabbed a sharp crayon in their bigs left eye are now hugging and kissing and blabbering on about with them. The common phrase of today was.. "It was so effingg worth it" (then I add) "Look at my nifty 25$ sweatshirt, betcha you don't have one at home."
"I LOVE MY SISTERS"cried one somewhat deranged girl while running around the caf.
"I QUIT SMOKING" Yelled another ( while suspiciously smoking a cigarette).
Regardless It was a day so Epic that if it had to be incapsulated in a single word, that word would have to be ACTUALLY NO... Here are the synonyms for the word Pretentious: ostentatious, showy; overambitious, pompous,artificial, inflated, overblown, highsounding,flowery, grandiose, elaborate, extravagant,flamboyant, ornate, grandiloquent, magniloquent, sophmoric flashy, highfalutin, la-di-da,pseudo. Catch my drift?
I really cant think of anything else to write unless I wanna have to defend myself. And in spite of eight years of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu *yea that's why I have the balls to write this crap* there are now more of them then rats. ( I AM NOT CALLING THEM RATS BEFORE YOU ALL REPORT ME FOR HARASSMENT)
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