Nickelback is the worst band (if you even want to consider them that) of all time. If I did not have to expound on this I wouldn't I would literally just leave it at that, but I can not so I will not.
Alright now with that out of my system let us try this again.....
Nickelback is a band from Alberta, Canada (ayy). Their genre of rock is post-grunge Canadian Rock, also known as absolute garbage. Their band consists of lead singer (and quite possibly the most hated human being next to Hitler) Chad Kroeger, Mike Kroeger, Ryan Peake, Brandon Kroeger and Daniel Adair. It's kinda like a post-grunge Canadian rock family band (it's very original).
The band has a very long list of sold out venues across the U.S. and Canada. This is because of their catchy and pseudo-badass lyrics. They sing about sex, drugs, and rock and roll in just about every one of their songs ironically though I doubt they have ever experienced any of the three. Despite that the fans keep pouring into stadium after stadium to listen to repetitive and completely skill less music.
Nickelback's most recent album is called "Dark Horse." It was co-produced and written by grammy winning producer/songwriter Robert John "Mutt" Lange. The album is the top of the charts in just about every significant country other then Sweden, Russian, Italy, Belgium, and Ireland. Other then those five nations the world is in love with Nickelback. In fact only three weeks after it was put out the record was given a Platinum ranking by the RIAA (a highly coveted and prestigious award). Is it possible that I am the only non-believer?
Nickelback's most popular song is called "I wanna be a Rockstar." Here are some of the lyrics "I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs...
Lip sync em every night so I don't get 'em wrong...
Then listen to the fans tell me how damn good I am"
This is so very funny to me because it sounds a heck of a lot like Nickelback themselves. They have been accused of lip-synching, they do refuse to acknowledge how much they really are disliked and they also have a washed up song writer writing all of their lyrics. Maybe they themselves are a "bunch of wanna-be big rock stars" as they so eloquently sing in their hit. But once again this is just my opinion.
"It's remarkable ... Nickelback capitalized on the two most popular music trends of the '90s - grunge and new country - and almost formed their own hybrid genre. But they also retain their popularity by sticking to the exact same formula, relying on the exact same chord changes." National Post 2/3/09
The main problem I have with Nickelback is that every single song sounds exactly the same. In fact on their is a video where you put one head phone in one ear and one in the other and it plays a different Nickelback song in each ear and they completely wash each other out and sound identical. YouTube - Nickelback Doesn't Change (PLEASE WATCH THIS)
Despite all of that like I said earlier their music is catchy. It's the kind of music you hear and without realizing it start tapping your toes and your feet too (but then you stop doing after you realize it's them). Basically, Nickelback is a rock band who is just trying way too hard. It seems to me like they completely sold out on themselves because, although a four year old can play their music, they still do have talent somewhere in themselves. The vocals of Chad Kroeger are not bad at all, they are only repetitive. If Nickelback stopped trying to appease the bubble-gum pop generation and actually became the rock band they should be, then maybe I can take the title of "WORST BAND EVER" away from them. But like I said until then it is not happening.
But hey, when you are making the money they are who cares if you are loved or hated or what ever, I would probably sell out too. And it's a very sad fact but it's very true. Most people, no matter what the case when offered enough of something that they want will do what ever the other person tells them to do. It's just a sad fact, and Nickelback is no different. EXCEPT they are pumping out completely miserable music.
(DISCLAIMER: Despite all of that I still do keep their CD in my car because like I said their tunes are damn catchy)
Yes, Nickelback is the worst band in the world, and not just because they're Canadian's because they generally suck. I mean being from Canada doesn't help them one bit either.
I agree completely. Everyone I know is like "zomg nickelback<3" but I go and listen to actual music. I didn't realize that the band is like a family reunion though, and the video you posted was pretty interesting/true.
Thank you for the comments
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